William F. Buckley, Jr.: Pied Piper for the Establishment


by John F. McManus

Don’t let yourself be fooled! By understanding how and why the New York-Washington establishment embraced Buckley and his so-called conservatism, you can avoid the traps laid down by similar false conservatives. Get your copy today!


From the 1960s to today, conservative Americans have been led astray by William F. Buckley, Jr. and other false conservatives who want to interject the U.S. government into almost every aspect of our lives. This blockbuster hardback presents a critical examination of Buckley’s life and career, including his promotion of liberal causes. Don’t let yourself be fooled! By understanding how the liberal establishment embraced Buckley and his so-called conservatism, you can avoid the traps laid down by similar false conservatives. (2010ed, 259pp, pb)

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