Get US Out! of the UN Billboard


Purchase commercial billboard file to place on a billboard in a key location to get people involved in the Get US Out! of the UN campaign.

Important: Billboards are either uploaded to a FTP site which is owned & operated by the printer that will actually create the billboard or it can be burned onto a CD and mailed.

Info needed to produce file: Contact name, company, address, & phone/contact info from billboard company so they can be contacted regarding the billboard’s exact height and width dimensions needed. Must be a rectangle.

**Please call our office once you place your order so we are able to get the info above needed to create this billboard: 800-342-6491**

In stock

SKU: BBGUO Categories: , Tag:


Billboard reads: Get US Out! of the UN (plus JBS contact info) (2013)

**Call to order – 1-800-JBS USA – 1