The New American magazine – July 5, 2021


Covid-19 Vaccines: A “Cure” Worse Than the Disease?

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Covid-19 Vaccines: A “Cure” Worse Than the Disease?

The COVID-19 vaccines were released on an emergency basis before being properly tested. With the passage of time, the effects of these experimental drugs look increasingly dismal.

Included in this issue:

Covid-19 Vaccines: A “Cure” Worse Than the Disease?
Lee D. Merritt MD – The COVID-19 vaccines were released on an emergency basis before being properly tested. With the passage of time, the effects of these experimental drugs look increasingly dismal.

Are “Vaccines” Harming More Than the “Vaxxed”?
Lee D. Merritt MD – Our medical experts are injecting us with genetic agents that may not only recombine within those who have gotten a COVID, but may also lead to the infection of others who have not been vaccinated.

Doctors Debunk the Medical “Consensus”
Rebecca Terrell – Doctors worldwide are speaking out against government lockdowns and vaccine mandates, while being ignored and attacked by the media.

COVID Lab-leak Theory Media Lied, People Died
by R. Cort Kirkwood – Americans were told repeatedly by the liberal media that COVID-19 did not originate from a lab in Wuhan, China. Now, more evidence is coming out to vindicate the lab-leak theory.

Mask Confusion: Infringing on Individual Rights
by Cathy A. Spigarelli – Not only are cloth masks ineffective at stopping the spread of viruses, but the fear-based mask requirements violate individuals’ right to health-risk assessment.

Lysenkoism: The Danger of Politicized Science
by William F. Jasper – Climate change, COVID-19, and the LGBTQ movement are all modern examples of politicized science. A story from the past serves as a warning to our present course.

More “Debunked Conspiracy Theories”
by R. Cort Kirkwood


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